Flexible pay as you go

Choose a plan that fits your business need


$ 59
99 / MO
  • Unlimited Updates
  • Email and Chat Support
  • Basic Inventory
  • Timesheet
  • Offline Ordering
  • 1 License


$ 79
99 / MO
  • Unlimited Updates
  • Email, Chat and Phone Support
  • Advanced Inventory
  • Timesheet
  • Offline Ordering
  • Receive Inventory Bills
  • Create Purchase Order
  • 1 License


$ 120
/ MO
  • Unlimited Updates
  • Email, Chat and Phone Support
  • Advanced Inventory
  • Timesheet
  • Offline Ordering
  • Receive Inventory Bills
  • Create Purchase Orders
  • Multiple Warehouse Locations
  • E-Commerce Portal
  • Accounting
  • 1 License

Add additional users for $25/ user / month